Friday, April 26, 2013

A Week (or so) in the Life of...

I told myself I'd try to post on the blog at least once a week. A little behind my last post, I think. Anyhoo, as I looked back over my pics from this past week I tried to think of what was blog-worthy but then I remembered--my blog is supposed to be about the everyday happenings of a normal working wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend so let's get on with it!

Funny Pages
I've started following pages on Facebook when I see funny pics and cartoons come across my newsfeed. It really has served to be quite entertaining. The ones that seem to appeal to me the most always seem to have to do with weight loss, motherhood, and the humor of working as a pharmacist or technician. Thought I'd share a few of these funny pics with my blog followers too...

Suzy Homemaker
Also on Facebook, I ran across an easy no-fuss recipe for a one dish meal that I just had to try. I'm going to share the screen shot I took for that one instead of a pic of what I made so that my other quick cooks out there can take advantage of the idea!

Craft Corner
My latest mission (since I chose to accept it) in my crafty little corner was to help Mama and Brandi with the somewhat bizzare task of creating a praying mantis costume for Presley's upcoming performance in the school play. Aubrey was assigned to be a butterfly---easy peezy....but a praying mantis?? What the what? Still not understanding the logic behind that one without the school actually providing the costume. Good thing this little girl has a "craft queen in training" for an! So, I delegated tasks: Mama and Brandi were to find and purchase a green leotard and tights as well as a pair of long white gloves and white tights. I was to supply the wings and creatively come up with a way to come up with the illusion of several legs. So, I took the white gloves and tights and I dyed them green to match each other. Then, I took the tights and cut the top off of them to leave me with 2 "sleeves". After which, I stuffed each sleeves with polyfill and a thick wrapped floral wire stem. This made a second set of "legs". The floral stem allowed me to bend the legs whichever way I needed. I don't have a final pic of the way the whole thing will look together yet, but I thought I'd post a few pics of the process to get there. It was quite an experience!

Instant Date Night
So last week I posted pics from Brooklyn's play date and I mentioned Kid Swap. Whoever thought of that concept is pure genius!! Thank you soooooo much! For the rest of the new mommies who follow this blog this is what a kid swap is:
1-observe who your little ones seem to take a liking to at daycare/preschool
2- reach out to their mommies (I wrote a note for the mommy to call me so we could get the girls together outside of school)
3- have several play dates with the kiddos which serve 2 purposes: the kids get to play together and you get to know the other mommy. It also lets you see each other's homes and living habits.
4- when all are comfortable, swap off every other week with your child going over to play at his/her friend's house one week for a few hours and that child coming over to your house to play the next week for a few hours.
5- Voila!! You now have a date night for you and your honey every other week!! Have a nice quiet dinner together, go bowling, take a nice walk or bike ride, or review what it took to conceive that baby in the first place ;-)

Can't Just Not Add A Few Pics of Brooklyn

As we prepare for Brooklyn's very first dance recital, she had her dance photos this week at dance class. In true 3 year old fashion, I could not get her to pose for a pic for my camera. She just looked so cute that I had to take a few shots even though she already had her jacket back on. As you can see from a few of the group snapshots I took, her unwillingness/inability to look at the camera and smile is not personal---all the girls are that

Sneak Preview...
Stay tuned for my next update...How about I end this one with a sneak peek of what's to come:
  • My Daddy's Big News...
  • How the Praying Mantis costume turned out...
  • A quick and simple Suzy Homemaker dessert...
  • This week's playdate GNO...
  • My fitness (or the lack thereof) update...
Are you on the edge of your seat now??!!  See you next time!

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