Friday, April 29, 2016

Paxton James - Year in Review (part 2)

Welcome back!! Hope you enjoyed your intro to Pakee :-) let's talk about the next 3 months or so. 
Paxton has been a pretty easy baby. He's slept through the night since he was about 3 months old. He's slept in his own bedroom since he was 5 months old. He's slithered around on his belly from months 6 all the way until recently when he finally figured out how to get on all fours. 
He's a very different baby from Brooklyn. She was very much a cuddle bug...always wanted to be right there beside Mommy. Pax...he's a free spirit. He can't even really get comfortable and go to sleep unless he's left alone. He's always been a big talker (in his own language of course) and much like his big sissy he loves to smile.
Also different for him is all the teeth he's managed to get. He started pretty early with teething and pretty much hasn't stopped. He now has 7 teeth and it's been that way for a few months. 

Sleeping twins...
I love when I catch my two guys napping together...this was even cuter with them both in their white tees :-)

Paxton's baby dedication
Pax was dedicated at our church in November. He wore his first big boy outfit and did very well! It was so nice to have his Mama Pat and Grandpa there to celebrate as well!  The cool thing about a lot of churches today is that they live stream so our family who couldn't be here were still able to watch it live. It was a great experience!

Forming that sibling bond already :-)
It is so heart-warming when I catch them in moments like this...

Pakee's First Christmas Season
Well...he got the full with Sissy, visit to Santa, cookie party, decorating Papa's name it. That's what happens when you grown up with a sibling. Brook didn't get to experience all of that when she was a baby...

Ok...Ready for the photo dump?? Here you go...

Ok the next post will be the last one before this big boy is a whole year old!! Stay tuned!!

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