Monday, July 6, 2015

Half a Year Gone....but a lifetime of changes

I have wanted to write a post for sooo long now but was so far behind it made me cringe at the thought of trying to catch you guys up. However I'll do my best. This might be a bit choppy at times but you'll feel like you lived half the year with me all in the matter of a few swipes of the thumb ;-)
This has been a major year of change in the Loring Life! We're in a new house. I'll be starting a new job soon, but most importantly, we have a new member of the Loring Crew. He deserves a post all of his own, so I'll reserve including anything about him for a separate post :-) hold on tight we go...

Hair....experimented with wigs, weaves, braids, etc. Didn't grow much at all entire pregnancy I'm still regretting the virgin relaxer and bob cut I got back in the fall because I thought it'd be grown back more by now. Oddly enough, now that I've had the's finally starting to grow. What you see in these pics are me trying my hand at making the wigs look as realistic as possible and the rest are sew-in with the same hair each time just styled as if I were styling my own. Love it! :-)

Let's not forget my little diva and her hair growth progress. I was so excited to finally be able to see ponytails that hang. She's currently wearing her hair braided in a cornrowed braid style with beads on the end and it's so cute but I forgot to take pics when it was still fresh so I'll post those later. I'll just say, I'm getting pretty good at this. If this pharmacist thing doesn't work out, maybe I'll do hair :-)

Valentine's Day 2015


Tasty Travels...

Cafe Brazil- Dallas, TX breakfast relleno

Monjuni's- Shreveport, LA lasagna and salad (best marinara I've ever had!!)

Hartsfield-Jackson airport Atlanta, GA (soul food veggie plate) I can't remember the restaurant...I was pregnant, forgive me...ha ha ha but I do remember this food!! Wow!

Daddy's Birthday Dinner 2015

Celebrating Grandpa's Birthday...

  We took Grandpa Murry out to dinner for his birthday and discovered a new favorite eating spot for a steak dinner...I encourage you all to try out Longhorn's really good and pretty affordable. I recommend the sirloin with their house made sauce and the steakhouse Mac and cheese...unless you're on a diet...ha ha ha :-)

The loss of the top teeth...

Wild co-sleeper is safe!! 

Diva Life...

Family Bowling Night

  For a brief minute, Brook had an infatuation with going bowling. So, we obliged. As you can see, Mommy was a little off her game that night ;-) hey....I was very pregnant. Oh, and don't worry I used the kid ramp to roll my balls down the lane!....and yes my score was still what it was, Whatev ...ha ha ha

Garage Sale Spectacular!!

   And that it was! Best garage sale I've ever had! You'd have thought it was Black Friday at my house. People were waiting outside the garage door before we opened it. Everything sold and sold quickly! ....cha ching ;-)

The Big Move

  Another big milestone we've had is the sale of our very first home together and the purchase of our "family home upgrade". It was major experience and we plan to never do it again. If we do, I can DEFINITELY say I won't do it while pregnant!!  It's such a huge undertaking both selling and buying a house. Tons of physical and emotional strain and pressure....but it's all worth it in the end of you get the house you want the way you want it. 

Out with the old...

In with the new...

Then the "fun" begins....

And I do mean that sarcastically. I don't won't to be too bitter about that considering it was all a major blessing but  let's just say I'm glad it's all done. Major props to the hubs because with a wife who was 9 months pregnant he had to do all the unpacking and setup himself. Lesson learned for us- next time...movers. 

We also had a few things tweeked when we moved in. New lighting, appliances, and sink in the kitchen; new carpet in the master; and hardwoods in the family room. For some reason it's taken me some time to adjust emotionally to being in the new house but that might just be hormones. All in all, I think that last pic says it all...

And then...A lizard got in house....EEEEEEEK!!!
Mama Pat trapped him and I barricaded him and the neighbors dealt with him for me. Don't worry animal lovers....he didn't die....At least not under my watch. He comes back though and I won't be responsible for what happens!

Brook's Dance Recital....

  All I have to say....SUPASTAH!!

The first of many graduations....

Seems like these days they have graduations for every phase of education. I see lots of people complaining about that on social media, but I love it!! I know how much positive reinforcement and praise fuels me to excel so I'm hoping it'll have the same effect on my kiddos and all the others as well!
Kindergarten, here we come!!

Starting "Bid Kid Church"...

   Can't believe it but my Toot has started Elementary Church now. Had I had church like this when I was growing up, I would have wanted to be in church all day everyday! She loves it and so do we but it was a little reality check that my baby is growing on up now...

Happy Birthday to Papa

  We had Papa over for birthday snacks and cake for his big day! As always, we had a wonderful time!

Happy Birthday to Mama Pat!

  We took Mama Pat out to dinner for her birthday this year and we hope she had a good time! 

Happy Birthday to Mommy!!

  Well...I celebrated the 10th anniversary of my 25th birthday and it was pretty much non-eventful with the exception of Kelvin, Mama Pat, and the kids taking me out to dinner. We went to Macaroni Grill and I must give that restaurant a C- compared to how I remembered it when I last went which probably was when I was 25 years old...ha ha. Nevertheless it was great to enjoy the evening with some of my favorite people. The highlight of the birthday this year though was this baby....yes I finally got a Keurig and boy was I sleeping on getting one of these. It's by far my most favorite gadget to date!! You know, Kelvin's bought me diamonds and given me money for my birthdays in years past, but for this I'll love him forever :-)

Just a little something to add to the repertoire...

I set out to gain some development in the area of academia in my pharmacy career and actually completed it. I must say life was a lot less hectic when I originally decided to pursue this but then things went to 100 and fast. I wanted to quit several times but I didn't, so it made getting this in the mail one day that much sweeter!!

7 months worth of humor and hmmms.... :-) glad we caught up.... Promise I won't go so long next time...

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