Well hello there blog readers/lookers....here's a little something to tie you over to my next post which will be the ultimate vacation post to show you what an AWESOME first family vacation we had. However, in the meantime while I edit and jazz it up...here's a little update on what's been going on in my world...
Benihana Birthday Dinner
Mama and I amongst several other people have become smarty pants and joined the "Chef's Table" with Benihana...why?...because they give you a coupon to eat for free during the month of you birthday y'all!!! Bingo!! Anyhoo, we've made it sort of a tradition to incorporate it into one of our weekly GNO outings. I took a few random shots but this one was one of my favorites. To me it says, "I know you better put some more garlic butter in that rice!!" Hilarious!!
Final Birthday Celebration for 2013
For my final birthday celebration for this year, I had the extreme honor of having a footloose and fancy-free GNO with my all-time fave BFF Cheryl Jeanette Hunter!! Yes girl I called you by your entire name...lol!! We usually opt to stay in and talk for hours into the morning sipping wine and/or coffee and eating major calories. However, this time we were both feeling a little froggy so we leaped...lol!! We went to Montego Cafe and her cousin Neff just happened to be singing that night. Before she performed, I ate a classic Jamaican dish of jerk chicken with rice and peas and fried plantains....YUMMMMOOOOO!!! Yep...I just created that word!! The DJ was on the ones and twos before, during, and after the show so you know we had to get our table dance on!!! I also made it a point to Shazam all the songs I loved but wasn't sure who sung them or what they were and then proceeded to buy them on iTunes and created a fabulous playlist from them. The night wouldn't have been complete without us taking plenty of silly pics and singing as much as we could!! Best of all, I was with my girl!! This chick knows my thoughts, completes my sentences, laughs at all my jokes, and we can pick up a conversation after months as if we had just talked yesterday!! Now...that's the good stuff!!
Kid Swap Continues
Although it's become a little choppy with summer vacations and all...the girls still manage to get together sort of regularly. Since I had seemed to make a habit of taking them somewhere and spending a lot of money, I decided to go simple this past time. We had a Hot and Ready pizza and they played on the playground in the backyard followed by popcorn and "Super Why" into the night. Those are some of the best memories :-)
Another App to Try
So, I tried another app after seeing pics from one of my girlfriends on Facebook and they were absolutely amazing. Color Splurge is an app that lets you edit your pics by leaving color in some areas and black/white in others. I'm sure there are several other things you can do with it too but I just haven't tried it yet. My review of it so far, you definitely need something with a pointier edge than just your fingertip to really do it justice or maybe I'm doing something wrong. So...Tameka...if and when you're seeing this...help a sista out girl!!! Lol!! Here's what I've created so far...
Suzy Homemaker's Apron is Back in the Closet
Yes I said it....it's still summer break...lol! So, the fam and I decided to give Gus's Famous Fried Chicken a try here in Little Rock last week. Kelvin and I were going to try it when we were in Memphis for the Grizzlies game last time, but the wait was so long and Miss Polly's was calling my name. I must admit there was a lot of anticipation building up to see if it was going to be as good as everyone had raved and............It was the bomb y'all!! I had the chicken tenders with greens and baked beans and a piece of coconut chess pie....woooohooo!! Brooklyn and I shared although I did eat the majority of the chicken and greens myself. I will definitely return!
First bite had me so gone I totally forgot to take a pic of my plate so this pic of my family while we were waiting for our food will just have to do :-) They're such hams!!
A Few of My Favorite Things
Since this post isn't as long, I thought I'd add a favorite things section again this time. This time around, I'll give you a few of my favorite You Tube channels. YouTube is the best thing since sliced bread when it comes to trying to figure out how to do something. It's how I taught myself to make wreaths, wigs, and all sorts of crafty projects. Nowadays, I pretty much just use it for wigs, weaves, and workouts so if none of those things interest you; guess I'll see you on the next post ;-)
In no particular order:

I absolutely love this one! She's the one who got me hooked on buying a lot of the lace-front wigs I have. She just pulls them all off so well!! She also has a natural hair care section on her channel that has tips for taking care of and growing your own hair under the wigs so you can rock your own long hair if and when you so desire. Her channel is very organized too with all the videos filed away under what they are pertaining to.
I love this one too!! She has so many great styles that she does with her natural hair and has really been able to grow it well. She makes it look so easy!! She also has a channel called 1simplyounique (I think) that's just wigs and makeup. A definite check-me-out!!
Guess I'm just gonna keep saying this, but I love this one too!! She makes a lot of her own wigs and they look oh so natural!! She relaxes her hair and it blends so well with the wigs that she makes and hair pieces that she adds. Nothing that I've watched her do looks too edgy. It's all so feminine. One of her videos inspired the braided hairstyle I had on my last post. She's a definite check-me-out too!!
Alright...guess I won't say how much I love this because I hate doing it but it is a GREAT channel with lots of quick workouts all put into different categories by what area you're targeting and they even have some as quick as 6 minutes!! It will also give you an estimate of how many calories you'll burn with each workout. I think everyone should subscribe to this one!!
Well then...ta ta for now!!
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