Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Been a Long Time Coming...

I'm sure if anyone has followed my blog in the past, they have probably dropped off at this point.  I have been absolutely terrible about blogging.  Work has kept me so busy lately.  Plus, I made a promise to myself that whenever I am home and my family is home; I will concentrate on them and not be hovering over the computer.  I think it's enough to be forgiven of blog-neglect and welcomed back with open eyes :-)
So, to whom it may concern-
Let's catch up!  I won't go over all the juicy details of Loring Life because it would take FOREVER at this point so I'll just hit the highlights:

Valentine's Day 2012
Let me just start at a few weeks before and tell my story of how Brooklyn and I bump heads already...lol!  I had this bright idea to go to Portrait Innovations and have pics made of us for Kelvin. I spent a small fortune getting some t-shirts made and shipped that save I (heart) my Daddy for her and I (heart) my hubby for me.  I should have known things wouldn't go as planned when I was able to pick her up from daycare on time, she was a perfect angel, and we both had a good hair day.  We pull up to the studio and she doesn't even want to go inside.  She's screaming and pulling away before we can even get in the door.  I guess I thought it would be easier than this given she's such a camera ham when I take pics of her.  We tried and tried to calm her down but finally I just gave up.  Sweaty and very, very irate- I picked my child up (who was kicking and screaming all the way out to the car) and I left.  She got a very good talking to and I let her know that I was very disappointed that she didn't do well for Daddy's Valentine's present. I was so hurt!!!  I think it hurt me even more that she knew she had let me down and she genuinely seemed remorseful about it.
Kelvin and I decided to avoid the Valentine's weekend rush and have our date night on the day before Valentine's (Monday).  We had a nice quiet dinner at Bonefish Grill and Papa (my daddy) got to try his hand at time alone with Brooklyn for the first time!  They both did fantastic and they both survived so, we have officially added Papa to the Loring Babysitter Registry (every family with small kids should have one :-)
We decided to make Valentine's Day all about Brook.  So, Kelvin bought her a huge Reese's chocolate/peanut butter heart and a balloon.  She was so excited about her treat that night.  Just take a look....

Mommy's Week Out
At the end of February, Kelvin and Brooklyn got to spend a nice chunk of Daddy/daughter time when my job took me to Dallas for a meeting for the week.  I have to say that when I went out of town with my job the first time, I really enjoyed the break.  This time was different though.  Now that I'm feeling really settled into mommyhood and able to really appreciate wifehood- I was really ready to get back home.  Thank goodness I don't have to be gone that long again anytime soon.  My family welcomed me home with open arms and a sweet sentiment upon my arrival into the house:

Forget being a big girl, I think I'm grown :-)
Where does the time go?  I've went from trying to decide what Brooklyn will wear to having her tell me what she wants to wear.  She loves the weekends because I'll usually concede to her request.  Her weekend faves- shorts and anything pink on Saturday and a dress and brown sandals on Sunday.  Check out the model...

Still stuck on Pinterest
I officially can't go to Pinterest any more than once in a while because it is so addicting.  These pics I'm going to show aren't at all the best thing you'll ever see but they are my first stabs at doing some of the things I see on there.  The only other things that I've done that aren't pictured here are a recipe for Lemon Cream Bars and I've made my own Febreeze that I use around the house :-)

Easter 2012
Easter is just getting more and more fun every year!  This year, we decided to take all the girls to Eggstravaganza over at First Assembly NLR.  I think they had a great time!  Before we began our hunt, we ate our hot dogs to make sure we had our energy level up :-)  This church absolutely has it right when it comes to the best Easter egg hunting format for 2 year olds!  It's timed and only little ones participate and the eggs aren't hidden--they were just laying out and about for the swiping.  All 3 of the girls loved it!  After they finished their hunt, they got to play with bubbles and were handed stickers and more sweet treats on their way out of the hunt.  Here are some pics of our fabulous time!  Also check out the model for Easter Day Fashions below :-)

Brooklyn's First Prom
Brooklyn recently had her very 1st prom night.  Her first prom date--- her Daddy!  They made a very cute pair.  I was allowed to tag along as a chaperone and wardrobe care taker...lol!  Kelvin escorted Brooklyn across the stage for grand march.  They were adorable.  I was supposed to be filming with my phone and in true Porsche fashion- hit the stop button as soon as they came onto the stage because I'm so used to hitting that button to snap still shots.  Anyway, we still had a great time.  We dined on Chick fil-A and Brook danced the night away...til around 8:00, that is :-)

Happy 3rd Birthday Aubrey and Presley!!
It seems like yesterday I was going to the NICU to meet my neices for the very first time.  With Brooklyn being so close in age to them, I feel like they all 3 came into our lives at the same time.  With my busy schedule and them living so far away, I don't get to spend time with nearly as much as I would have wanted to.  So, I decided to make their birthday from Aunt Porsche, Uncle Kelvin, and Brooklyn extra special with a birthday party and special birthday gifts at our house the Sunday before their birthday.  I'm slowly evolving into an artsy-craftsy sort of mom so I decided to bring out all the big guns in some things that I had heard from other moms lately that I wanted to try.  So, we made our own mini pizzas with English muffins, I made them their own special cakes in the colors they requested to blow candles out on, and we got them their very own tricycles like the one Brooklyn has so they can all have matching wheels to cruise the town (a.k.a.- the driveway) on.  Here's a glimpse of their special day:

Lovin' the Natural
I recently decided to really embrace my natural hair I've been maintaining since before I got pregnant with Brooklyn.  I know, I know big switch from me talking about all the fun I was having with weaves and wigs but hey- that's just me. You never know what you're gonna get...lol!  I noticed a co-worker of mine at one of my jobs always had a different look she was trying with her natural hair.  So, I asked her how she was coming up with all of this and she gave me the "answer" to dealing with natural hair.  Are you ready for it?  It's You Tube.  I follow simplyounique and naptural85 mostly and I must say I'm really having fun with it.  Here's a quick shot of me and my natural one day at work.   I'm apologizing now if it will only show sideways...lol!

Potty Training Blues
If anyone reading this blog has the magic answer to potty training your little one and it works, please contact me immediately for a cash reward...lol!  I recently invested a penny (literally) into this book you see below because I read such rave reviews on it.  It was written back in the '70s and was supposed to have been found to give consistently good results old school style (without the beat-downs, that is).  However, it was a no-go for Miss Brooklyn.  Back to the drawing board...


~Mother's Day 2012~

As always, Mother's Day this year was fantastic!  I think Mother's Day has always been one of my favorite holidays every year even before I became a mother.  It's a great day to spoil those who spoil me the most- mama!  Brooklyn's not old enough to spoil her mommy just yet- but her Daddy is picking up the slack pretty good!  This year, we all went to church together for the early service.  As a special Mother's Day bonus, all 3 of the girls actually went to and had a good time in the nursery so we could actually enjoy service!  After church, we went to the breakfast buffet at The Golden Corral.  The food was awesome!  However, the logistics of doing that with 3 little kids was chaotic.  In retrospect, that might have been a great idea if the girls had let us go on our own...lol!  We had mama a shirt made from the grandkids and we also went in on creating a charm bracelet for her with all her kids and grandkids initials and birthstones.  As for me, I had to work the rest of the morning and afternoon but Brooklyn and Kelvin had a home-cooked steak dinner waiting on me when I got home and oh-so fabulous gifts to go with.  I'm so blessed to be a mother and still have my mother so as long as my 2 favorite ladies are still here and healthy, I'll have everything I need where Mother's Day is concerned :-)


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