So, let's start with a good introduction to the many aspects of ME....
Porsche...the wife
Wow!! What's to say about this...I can say that I am probably the most blessed woman in the world. If you ask my hubby if I thought that, you might get a different answer depending on what side of the pendulum I'm swinging on. What can I say, women are emotional creatures :-) In all of that, I can say my man is a real trooper. No matter what life has thrown at us, he has always been my constant. We are best friends! It's funny how I've spent so much of my life considering myself a nurturer only for God to use this man to show me that I need BE the nurtured one sometimes too. We'll always be together. I truly believe that.
Porsche...the mommy

A lot of you might recognize this face :-) but maybe not this big girl frame. Hasn't my little one gotten so big??? Here is the one person who I think has had the biggest impact on my life. This little chick came into the world with a big boom and although parenthood has certainly had it's most certainly has had it's rewards. It's funny how when we were pregnant with Brooklyn, I was most looking forward to those times with her as a little tiny newborn. Yet, I spent all that time constantly grooming and pushing her towards the next big milestone therefore rushing her out of that time. I can say though that I now agree with my ever so wise husband. These toddler times have by far been the most fun! Every other day, Brooklyn surprises me with some word or phrase I didn't know she could say or some skill I didn't know she possessed. Her absolute fave things to do- singing and dancing! She loves to sing with no music at all and of course with her mommy. However, cut on the music and watch that girl go. When Brook breaks it down, she BREAKS IT DOWN!! It is hilarious. She is so serious about it! Other than that, her vocab is getting so broad yet still so cute. I'll give you a little taste:
I luh u!!!!.........I love you!
Byah!.............Bye Y'all! (I know, she's like a little Paula Deen)
Porsche...the daughter and big sister The Mama- Pat, The Little Sis- Brandi
What you are seeing here is a fabulous pic of the 3! No matter what happens, we 3 are always down for each other. Sounds like Mama is our sister, huh? I can't lie she does feel like it. She has always been my comfort zone. She's my safety net because I feel like there's nothing she wouldn't do for me. She's quite the busy lady now that the role of grandmother has been added to her plate and that's not just grandmother of 1 that's grandmother of 3 very energetic and cute little girls. I think she has more fun than they do when they all get together though. Sometimes when I call and hear a lot of commotion in the background, it tickles me to realize that it's Mama making more noise and giggling more than the It really does make me smile though. She deserves all the fun times she can stand.
As far as The Diva of the family, Brandi :-), I can definitely say our relationship's been through several phases. Over the years, she's felt like my little sister, my daughter, and my biggest worry. I can definitely say now it finally feels like she's my friend. It's funny how life's happenings can do that to you. Strange, but I some times find myself calling her for advice. She's going to laugh when she reads that. I think she might also be the single most person I can be the MOST silly with. She laughs at ALL my jokes like it's the funniest thing she's ever heard. She gets all my INSIDE childhood jokes. I feel like as far as any of my friends go, she's the one that's been through the most with me because it all started with us 26 years ago. Shout out to her with a few gentle reminders/inside jokes:
Remember our special reading place? Remember when we recorded ourselves singing songs on the tape recorder at Daddy's house and I was the director? Remember when you showed me and Mama how high you could kick (and how hard you could fall)?
Porsche...the Daddy's Girl My Daddy - Mike
I really wish I could find this old pic of us sitting on the stairs of Brentwood Apts when I was maybe 3 or 4 years old and you could definitely tell by what we had that it was the early 80' If I find it, I'll have to share. Anyhoo, everyone tells me how much I look like my daddy and I can remember how growing up my mom used to tell me how much I loved hanging around him. I can't tell you how many seemingly endless trips I made to the music store in my childhood with Daddy. One thing I love about my Daddy is how nostalgic he is. I think that's where I get it from. I love to reminisce about things from the past and I too keep vivid memories of some of what others may consider the most meaningless details yet they carry so much meaning to me. It's always been important to me to keep up with my Daddy. Even if we haven't spoken in a while because of our schedules, he's always on my mind and I always feel like I have to look out for him. At this point in my life; I truly feel like he, too, would do anything for me. I know he's going to smile when he reads this...and probably pass it along to a few of his friends ( I got you pegged, don't I Daddy? )
"The Girls" - Aubrey & Presley
I never thought I'd have any nephews or nieces where my sis is concerned but fast forward to 2009 and here come 2!!! These are my 2 favorite girls (besides Brook of course). These 2 chicks really are some characters. They are about 5 months older than Brooklyn but they are all 3 about the same size. So, they always seem more advanced than Brook to me but I keep having to remind myself that they are older. My only wish for them is that I could spend more time with them, but life keeps me pretty tied up and they live so far away now. I'm going to try to see if I can accurately describe their little personalities and we'll see if their mommy agrees:
Aubrey- the outgoing one, definitely the older sis(even if it is only by a few minutes)
Presley- the cuddler, likes to be under her mommy more, can play the role of the shy little sis and the sneaky one at times
Aunt Porsche loves you girls!! Can't wait for my next concert of various nursery rhymes, Bible songs, and Fresh Beat moves with you!
Porsche...the Friend

Where my girlz at!!??? Woo woo! All of my friends will tell you that I'm a little crazy and zany at times. I tried my best to find pics of all my friends so I could add that extra special to the shout out for their parts in my life. So when I find more, I'll definitely post them. I'm sure more than a few of them will bark at me about the ones I've chosen and I can think of at least 1 in particular who will probably send me her choice of picture and ask that I replace Any of my homegirls out there who view this blog and don't see your picture? That means it's high time we get together and take some!!! Holla at me!
A few "inside" shout outs to each of the ladies shown on these pics just to make them smile:
Who actually ate most of the food at the meeting at Crush? Who's the woman who loves boxing so much that she accompanies her husband to Guys' Night Fight Parties? Do you remember Henderson Jr High School Pop Choir in 1994? Who's my self-proclaimed marriage counselor? Who's the one who has been known to give a killer foot massage in a hotel room in Louisiana? Who remembers playing Hangman when things got a little too slow at the pharmacy? Who remembers those Hi-Stepper car washes at the Exxon on Cantrell and Mississippi? Who went out to lunch with me every Wednesday for the latter part of 2008?
Well guys and gals...looks like you've finished reading the longest blog posting ever. Wonder if I'll get in the Guinness for! Until next time, take care!
Welcome to BlogLand! I am so glad that you have a blog now. I added myself as a follower on your blog. Do the same on mine. I can't wait to see future posts. Oh yeah, I actually like my pic, so good job! LOL