Hair Haven
Still rocking the summer braids. It's funny because when I first got them, I hated them. However, they have really become my most favorite braids to date. They can look really fun or really tame for work which I didn't think was going to be possible. Here's a few pics of some of the different ways I've worn them. Nothing fancy...but it works.
This summer my sissy and I took our first sisters girls' trip together to do what else than see Beyonce and Jay Z's On the Run concert! I was a bit nervous abou how homely I would look stepping out with the fashion diva of the family, but either she dumbed it down or I stepped I up because I think I did We sang and danced throughout the concert as if we were on backup and we checked out a good restaurant for breakfast the next am. Of course, we indulged in girl talk and shopping a little too over the course of the trip. You know with 5 years between us I can truly say I never realized what a hidden treasure friendship staying close with my sister can be. Now that we've taken advantage of that, I can definitely say it's one of my most favorite relationships!!
So it seems like Mama Pat has made it a tradition to have an end of the season spring or summer photo shoot with the girls in addition to their annual holiday photo shoot. She designs them and herself and looks forward to these sessions every time. Although what we don't look forward to is Portrait Innovations ALWAYS being so behind. Now that the girls are all older, it's not so bad to wait. I decided to do a little photo shoot of my own while we did so
TOOTH FAIRY MAKES HER DEBUT's already happened...a milestone towards my little one not being so little anymore :-( this chick has already lost not one but two of her baby teeth and the permanent ones were pretty much in place and ready to take over when it happened. It's a little funny (but not so much) how clueless and privelaged my child is. She has NO concept of the value of money. When asked what the tooth fairy would bring, she replied golden chocolate coins and toys. When the tooth fairy delivered several shiny quarters on her first visit, Brook was not impressed. When gold dollar coins were left on second visit, Brook took them and tossed them into her toy box!! Not until I taught her that money could actually be used for purposes beyond putting it in her piggy bank did she appreciate what the tooth fairy had done for her. You can see where her heart lies in the purchase she decided to make below...
This will be another new regular section as I get a chance to check out some new places when I'm working and it's time to eat. I had a co-worker warn me not to gain the "Freshman Fifteen" as a new Medical Science Liaison with all of this eating on the road that I have to do. Another co-worker, suggested I check out to find restaurants that have appeared on Food Network based on what city I'm in. In addition to that, I of course always take Rachel Ray's advice and "ask the locals"!
BYE-BYE FRIENDSo recently my BFF up and moved away to Dallas. I'm very proud of her for making that step towards empowering and improving herself and fulfilling some of her career goals. I also thank her for giving me a great free place to hang out when I'm in town and use free high speed internet, drink all the Peach Nehi I can stand, and watch all the TV I want....otherwise known as her apartment. Lol!
What can I say, her Daddy and I snap pics of this little cutie all the time...
When Kelvin and I were in our first year of dating, we always celebrated what I nicknamed our "month-a-versary" each month commemorating the day I changed his life forever!! Lol! Since then, I scaled it back to just celebrating it annually but it'll always be the month-a-versary! Now after 9 years together and nearly 7 years married, we're still hanging in there. I can't lie and say it's not tough at times, but I think at the end of the day we cling to the thought that anything worth having is worth fighting for. I hope that encourages someone!
I usually like to end the posts recently with a few laughs, but this time I'll go with funny and inspirational stuff too that I've saved to my phone...if you've made it this far, thanks for hanging with me!! Enjoy!!